Contact us for further information about these worming products Balmoral – 028 90666881 or Commons Brae – 028 90799500.
You can book a Free flea and tick nurse appointment and get further advice on keeping them creepy crawlies away.
Parasites on your pets skin can be a bit of an issue when these parasites bite your pet they could in counter an allergic reaction. Proper care and treatment should be used to make sure your pet is fully covered when these parasite bites.
Adult Flea
Fleas should be treated for all year round we have a fully guaranteed treatment in a chewable form for dogs and a spot on form for dogs and cats.
These products also treat ticks, mites and lice contact us for further information on these products to provide your pet with the best reliable treatment available.
These parasites are easily spread from other infested pets and also from us.
Our home plays a big part in harbouring fleas too they can lay their eyes in small places, carpets and bedding until their ideal temperature is reached and they start to invaded your house call us today to seek veterinary advice on how to not just treat your pet but your home as safe too.
All year round preventitive treatment can all add up we have a solution to this through our Healthy Pet Club Scheme.